The maddening decline of page reach aside, Facebook and its enormous audience still offers a potentially rich platform for brands to sink their teeth into. “If correctly optimized, Facebook increases brand awareness and advocacy, lowers service costs, and drives customer loyalty and incremental sales,” says Jeff Bullas. He points to two primary tasks to achieve those goals: 1) grow your community and 2) engage your community.
For growing your community, Bullas suggests sparking participation from the community by creating compelling value propositions within Facebook and using targeted paid Facebook advertising. One of the value propositions to create is Facebook Offers, which page admins can create right from their pages.
“Offer ads act like Page Posts, in that they live on the Page’s Facebook wall and can be promoted via Page Post Ads,” explains Emily Wilson, advertising team lead at SocialCode, writing for Marketing Land. “When customers claim your Offer, stories about this redemption will appear in the desktop and mobile Newsfeed. You can also pay