The latest research shows that Hispanics are the fastest growing group online, with more than 12.6 million accessing the Internet from home, according to a study by Nielsen/NetRatings.
Key highlights from the research are as follows:
On average, the online Hispanic community is much younger than the general online population. Only five percent of the Hispanic Internet community is 55 years old and older, as compared to 21% of the general online population.
Due to their relative youth, online Hispanics are more likely to purchase event tickets, movies, music and computer software than the general online audience.
According to Neilsen/NetRatings NetView, household incomes for Hispanics online skew lower than the general Internet population, with 44% of the Hispanic online population posting household incomes of less than $50,000 annually. In comparison, 37% of the general online population made up this income group.