No matter who you ask, Google dominated the U.S. search market in July. According to comScore qSearch, Google Sites handled 61.9% of all queries during July, a 0.4-point increase from June’s 61.5% share.
Yahoo! Sites were second with 20.5% of all searches conducted, a 0.4-point decline from June’s 20.9% share. Microsoft Sites handled 8.9% of all searches, a 0.3-point decline from the prior month’s share of 9.2%.
Ask Network saw its share increase from 4.3% in June to 4.5% in July, while AOL LLC saw a slight increase from 4.1% to 4.2%.
comScore notes that 11.8 billion searches were conducted at these core search engines, a 2% gain from June. This means that Google handled 7.3 billion queries in July.
Nielsen Online also puts Google atop the list of search engines for July with 60.2% of all searches, or 4.8 billion searches. This reflects a year-over-year growth of 16%.
Yahoo! was second with 17.4% of the market, handling 1.4 billion searches in July. MSN/Windows Live was third with 11.9% of the search market, followed by AOL with 4.6% of the market, and with 2.0% of the search market.
It’s a shame that Yahoo! and Microsoft couldn’t work things out, because these monthly search rankings are getting quite redundant.