The Grocery Manufacturers of America will promote the new USDA food pyramid with an in-school campaign next fall.
GMA will sponsor a national campaign targeting 4 million school kids via Weekly Reader Corp. The publisher will distribute 58,000 posters to teachers who subscribe to Weekly Reader, with a teacher’s guide and pyramid-related activities for math, science and nutrition, as well as a bi-lingual publication to send home to parents.
Food marketers will tout the new pyramid on product labels and via education campaigns, GMA says. Food companies also will cut some fats, sodium and sugar; use more whole grains; and market fruits and vegetables in convenient packaging.
“The new Food Guidance System provides an unparalleled opportunity for government, the food and beverage industry, nutrition experts and others to help Americans live healthier lifestyles,” said GMA President-CEO Manly Molpus in a statement.
The USDA published the revised food pyramid, dubbed MyPyramid, on April 19. The new system tailors serving recommendations across the five food groups (grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, meat and beans—and oils) to individuals’ age, gender and activity level. The USDA is working on a kid-friendly version of the pyramid now. The pyramid was last revised in 1992.