Dear Reader Johnson:
You’re one in a million.
And you and 999,999 other Johnsons in the U.S. can proudly boast a flourishing family tree.
Maybe you feel in your blood the same love of adventure that stirred Martin Johnson to explore darkest Africa–or the gift of music that launched Edward Johnson on a glorious operatic career.
Maybe you possess the drive that urged Andrew Johnson from a tailor’s bench to the White House–or the strong right arm that carried Walter Johnson to baseball’s Hall of Fame.
It was a Johnson, you’ll recall, who nominated George Washington as Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army. Johnsons have given their name to counties and cities, towns and villages across the nation. Today over 200 Johnsons have found their way into the pages of Who’s Who.
And maybe it’s because Johnsons have such varied interests, ambitions and talents that LIFE has so much appeal for them. For LIFE’s lively picture-reporting of events, its authoritative articles, are read regularly week after week by more than 80,000 Johnsons.
If you are not now among these LIFE-reading Johnsons, I’d like to invite you to join us–to see for yourself why so many other members of your “family” read LIFE week after week–and why they say:
“Life is the one magazine I just have to read every week.”
–Bob Johnson, Chicago, Ill.
“You put out the best all-around magazine I know of. And your special features are so valuable I’ve saved hundreds of them for reference.”
–Philip Johnson, New York
“Your color reproductions are wonderful. I’ve built up my own private art gallery from LIFE’s pages alone.”
–Dorothy Johnson, Winnetka, Ill.
“There’s such a variety in LIFE! I enjoy it, I learn from it. I find beauty in it. And so does our whole family.”
–William W. Johnson, Dallas, Texas
These are just a very few of the Johnsons who are regular LIFE readers–who have learned that though there’s plenty of fun to be had out of reading LIFE now and then, the greatest profit from LIFE can be gained by reading every issue. For then the excitement they find in LIFE keeps building. Their understanding of science constantly expands, their knowledge of painting and culture is broadened, their insight into human nature deepens.
For each new issue of LIFE adds fresh understanding to the one before and provides the background for events reported in the issues to come.
These are some of the reasons why the most profitable, most exciting, entertaining way to read LIFE is regularly every week.
And the most economical way to read LIFE regularly is by subscribing–especially if you order now while this money-saving introductory offer is available to you.
37 weeks of LIFE for only $3.87
–less than 11 cents for each 20 cent copy of LIFE
This amazingly low rate is being offered to prospective subscribers like yourself because we feel that once you (and every member of your family) have begun to read LIFE each week, you will remain with us as a regular subscriber–at regular rates–for many years to come.
There’s no need to pay now–we’ll be glad to bill you later.
But with an almost certain paper shortage ahead, we will undoubtedly again be forced to withdraw all special offers like this one and to limit new LIFE subscriptions. So I hope you will make sure of getting your own copy of LIFE regularly from now on–
–by signing the enclosed card and speeding it back to us by return airmail today. We’ll take care of the postage.
Frank Johnson
For the Editors
This letter was mailed by Life in February 1951.