Feature Update: HitPath® kicks Suppression List Management Up A Notch.

New Orleans – July 26th, 2011 The HitPath team recently released a set of upgrades to its already strong proprietary suppression list management tool set. The suppression tools come as part of HitPath’s all-in-one software solution, geared towards enterprise level performance marketing professionals. The new feature set includes upgrades to the affiliate and admin interfaces and added intelligent opt-out list reporting that provides data that will help users make decisions.

Affiliates now have the ability to review a download history by campaign as well as the status of an individual list download. The system will inform them when they are out of compliance, or if they have never downloaded suppression for a particular campaign or if they have downloaded the full list and only need a partial update.

The most exciting upgrade is the addition of the opt-out trend report which will show HitPath users important stats on submitted opt-outs. These can be compared to hits and sales traffic related to a specific campaign or affiliate.

“The ability to measure how a campaign or affiliate is doing based on how many opt-outs they are receiving and figure out if something is wrong, is what makes this report so powerful.” says HitPath CEO Sam Prokop. “We really want to be able to provide our users with as much of a global solution as possible, under one platform. Growing our proprietary suppression tools is part of that initiative and we feel confident that it will bring a lot of added value to HitPath.”

The enhancements compliment the fast-growing suppression tool set that currently boasts features like:

The ability to upload and manage suppression lists in real-time. Lists are available instantly on upload completion and are consistently updated in real-time.

List seeding to verify for compliance.

Checks in place to verify the compliance of affiliates with the ability to monitor who has downloaded a list and who hasn’t and then send them a notice to remind them that they need to do so.

Package suppression lists along with the campaign it belongs to, so it’s all in one, and that transfers when users CrossPub™.

HitPath is actively developing new features and there are further enhancements that are already in the works for suppression management. They are expected to be released within the year.

About HitPath

Started in 2005 by Webapps LLC the HitPath software is the fastest growing affiliate marketing and data tracking software in the Industry.. It is not just a platform, but a full tracking solution that brings an uncompromising level of accuracy and reliability, within a flexible and scalable hardware architecture. A fanatical dedication to quality customer service, and a feature-rich product that includes custom reporting and administration, easy to use third party pixel and creative asset management consoles are just a few of the benefits that differentiate HitPath from its competitors.