Experian Names Layden President of Newly Acquired NuEdge Unit

Don Layden Jr. has been named president of Experian’s NuEdge Systems operation. Layden had been the company’s chief operating officer until early December.

Experian acquired the half-share in NuEdge it did not already own in early December from RTMS, a holding company owned by Tim Keane. The deal was a cash transaction, although its value was not announced, according to Layden.

RTMS founder Keane left the company after selling his share to Experian. Keane is currently operating a variety of enterprises, including Centaur Forge, a blacksmith supply concern he purchased in October.

NuEdge will operate as an independent unit within Experian, and will maintain its offices in Denver and Milwaukee. The company expects to keep all of its 100 employees in their current positions, Layden said.

NuEdge provides customer relationship management software, value-added consulting services and production management systems.