DMI Plans to Restructure as Independent Entity

Direct Media Inc., Greenwich, CT, which has experienced high-level brokerage departures in the last week, is within days of forming an entity independent of parent company Acxiom Corp.-at least in part, Dave Florence, DMI CEO told DIRECT Newsline.

“It looks like we’re going to be taking back control of the company from Acxiom,” Florence said, emphasizing that negotiations between DMI and the Little Rock, AR parent are ongoing.

At press time Tuesday, however, it appeared that the consumer and business-to-business divisions of DMI would “be split apart into two companies,” Florence said. Top executives of the business-to-business division of DMI were negotiating “to buy back their group,” he said.

The consumer group would be restructured as an Acxiom division with much more autonomy that DMI currently enjoys. “Acxiom is saying you guys can run it yourself and as long as you break even or do better, we won’t bother you,” Florence explained.

DMI executive Max Bartko has been chosen by a committee of DMI employees to head that new consumer group. In addition, a Florence’s role would be having a limited role helping two groups to coordinate. DMI management committee would play an active role in the operations of the group.

Florence’s role would “a limited one in helping the two groups to coordinate,” he said.

In another development, all 12 members of the list brokerage side of the DMI Walnut Creek office have left DMI to join their former boss at the Walnut Creek office of Paradysz Matera Co., Chris Paradysz, CEO of Paradysz Matera, has confirmed.

In mid-August, PMC hired Randy Robertson, formerly head of the DMI Walnut Creek brokerage unit, to open a PMC office in that city.

“I’m delighted,” said Paradysz. “The brokers belief in Randy and Randy’s point of view and the opportunities that we are bringing to them, encouraged them to make the decision to move over.”

No client moves have yet been announced.

In other departures from DMI:

* Steve Smith, head of consumer list brokerage for DMI, was terminated at the end of last week, Florence confirmed.

* Pat Linton, a broker at the Hilton Head, NC, office had recently quit DMI to work for List Services Corp.

Florence said no further layoffs are planned.

Saying “they are a great bunch of people at Walnut Creek, we really wish them nothing but the best,” Florence admitted that a smaller, leaner staff was good for the new structure.

“My personal intent is to downsize our company,” Florence said. “We got too big and out of control. We’re probably better off without a California office–it’s one less thing we have to control.”