DMA Picks New Board Chair and Hall of Famers

The Direct Marketing Association, New York, has selected Michael P. Sherman to serve as its 2002 chairman of the board. Sherman is president of Fingerhut Cos. Inc., Minnetonka, MN.

The DMA board has also chosen Gordon R. Cooke, president and CEO of the J. Jill Group Inc., Quincy, MA, as vice chairman.

Sherman is currently vice chairman of the DMA board.

In other news, the DMA board has approved the selections of four DM leaders to be inducted into the DMA Hall of Fame. They are Michael Otto of Hamburg, Germany, and appointed posthumously, Henry “Pete” Hoke Jr., William North Jayme and Murray Roman.

Otto is chair of the Otto-Handelsgruppe mail order company, the second-largest online trader, after Hoke spent his career advancing direct marketing by publishing number of direct marketing publications, including “Direct Marketing” and “Fund Raising Management.”

Jayme’s direct mail letters for Time Inc., revolutionized direct marketing. His creative service helped launch “Bon Appetite” and “Mother Jones” among other magazines. Roman, known as the founder of professional telemarketing, created a number of telemarketing companies in Europe and the Pacific and started Campaign Communications Inc., a telemarketing agency.