
The Future of Lead Generation: Q&A

|  by Jason Hahn

DM Confidential recently chatted with Joeri Weyenberg, vice president of marketing for Kaplan University, to get his thoughts on lead generation best practices in the education space and beyond.

Mobile Looms Large as Facebook Fights Branding Medium Label

|  by Richard H. Levey

There's a lot more news in Facebook-land than just its recently announced financial performance. Nestled within the company's very first earning report and related management call are a number of gems regarding how marketers can best make use of changes the social network is planning. Want a hint? Think mobile, and think it a lot.

Marketing Data on IT Prospects Varies: Study

|  by Richard H. Levey

Buyers of high-tech offerings within organizations are a highly sought market, and a new study from Bernice Grossman and Ruth Stevens offers insight into the various sources of prospecting data available on them. “An [information technology] buyer is a big buyer,” says Grossman, president of marketing database consultancy DMRS Group. “They buy a lot, and…

Q&A: Creating a Winning B2B Landing Page

|  by Richard H. Levey

The rules for landing pages are different in the business-to-business (B2B) arena than they are for consumer marketers. Adam Blitzer, co-founder and COO of Pardot, discusses how what marketers should be aware of, and how they can make the most of these differences.