
gamified sweepstakes

6 Steps to a Gamified Experience

|  by Russell Zack

Retailers to restaurateurs are creating immersive gamified sweepstakes that allow consumers to have fun, memorable interactions with their favorite brands.

Ways to Optimize Content Marketing for Ecommerce

|  by Michael Gerard

As ecommerce companies focus on improving their product selection, customer service and supply chain, many of them overlook a key opportunity for differentiation: Content.

Using VR to Tell Your Story

|  by John Skolis

Brands are embracing virtual reality (VR) and other types of technology as a way to offer consumers unique, impactful experiences.

Digital Marketing Metrics That Will Uncover Big Growth Opportunities

|  by Natalia Selby

The average digital marketing spend for businesses predicted to reach $118 billion by 2021. But simply knowing the potential value of digital marketing isn’t enough—you must measure marketing metrics and analytical data to determine you’re your marketing ROI.