Digital + Social
Engagement Train is Coming Straight at You
AOL made an announcement last week about its enhanced whitelist
The Value of Being Social: Putting a Price on Friendship
In the early days of social media, it might have been okay to bow to peer pressure and be out there simply because everyone else was doing it. But times
U.S. Court Orders Down-Under Spammer to Pay $15M
A U.S. federal judge has ordered the Australia-based alleged leader of a worldwide spamming network to pay more than $15 million to settle charges against him, the Federal Trade Commission announced yesterday.
Busting My Chops Watch: FakeKenMagill is on Twitter!
I am happy to report that some wise guy or guys (or gal/s) have created a Twitter account under the name FakeKenMagill chiding me for an article I wrote a while back headlined: “Why I Don’t Tweet.”
Thankfully, whoever did this chose the more flattering photo of me that resides on as opposed to the one taken from below that begs the exclamation: “Whoa! Look at the chins on that guy!”
That anyone would take the time to bust my chops this way is truly an honor. Thank you whoever you are. I am flattered and humbled.
But in any case, let’s say I do change my mind one day. What would the real Ken Magill’s tweets be like?
Uh Oh, There’s that Pesky ‘You-Can-Spam’ Act Again
Whoa! Now lookee what we have here. Another courtroom victory for the Can Spam Act: you know, that anti-spam law that
What the Snafu Means to You
In a move that, for now at least, threatens e-mail marketers
FTC Blogger Guides Create More Heat than Light
The Federal Trade Commission has revamped its guidelines concerning endorsements to take account of the new boom in social marketing, blogger endorse¬ments and word of mouth promotion.