Digital + Social
More Marketers Making It Difficult To Unsubscribe From E-mail: Study
Should it really take three clicks to unsubscribe from a retailer
Only 20% of Sites Follow Up Abandoned Carts with E-mails
Only 20 of the 100 websites visited by the E-tailing Group for its fourth-quarter mystery-shopping study sent follow-up e-mails in response to abandoned shopping carts. Even so, that
New Tools and Tips to Strengthen the E-mail and Social Media Bond
The week ended March 13 was the first time that Facebook was the number-one online destination in the U.S., topping Google. So this seems as good a time as any for two marketing solutions providers to release software that aims to integrate social media efforts into cross-channel campaigns.
Artful Use of E-mail Gives American Ceramic Society Triple-Digit Sales Spike
In less than three years, the American Ceramic Society increased product sales by more than 200%
Before You Acquire E-mail Subscribers, Assess Their Worth
The most common mistake marketers make when it comes to acquiring e-mail subscribers has nothing to do with where they place the sign-up box on their Web site, or what incentives they offer, or even which media they use to promote their e-mail offering.
Milwaukee Tool Discovers the Power in E-mail Video
Video is hot, and e-mail is useful. Obviously it would be good to combine the two and get both the heat and the utility by delivering video in e-mail. Problem is that e-mail hasn
Milwaukee Electric Tool Discovers the Power in E-mail Video
Video is hot, and e-mail is useful. Obviously, it would be good to combine the two and get both the heat and the utility by delivering video in e-mail. Problem is that e-mail hasn’t traditionally been a good medium for serving up video within the message.
Slogging Toward E-mail Metrics Standardization
Discrepancies in defining the metrics used to measure e-mail marketing has led the Email Experience Council to create a list of standardized definitions.