Digital + Social
Care With Creative Boosts Uni Key’s Email Health
Tweaking creative to get to the point—and not offend customers—has helped dietary supplement marketer Uni Key boost sales and Facebook fans via email.
Reputation, Not Content, Key To E-mail Deliverability: Study
If marketing e-mails aren’t reaching targets’ in-boxes, message content may be the least of the reason. According to a new study from Return Path, the reputation of a sending server’s IP address and whether messages hit spam traps or other invalid e-mailboxes are key determinants for e-mail deliverability.
Giveaways are Mainstays for Banana Boat Promo
The Banana Boat brand is using branded giveaways as reminders this summer, not only to protect your skin from the sun, but that the best way to do that would be by slathering Banana Boat sun screen up and down your body. The promotion, “101 Days of Summer,” appears on the Banana Boat Facebook page and will give away, you guessed it, 101 daily prizes.
Enhanced Email Program on the Menu for Wolfgang Puck
Each Wolfgang Puck brand was maintaining its own separate database of email addresses and purchase histories, and they couldn’t be easily shared. The company recently worked with Listrak to consolidate those files and create more cross sell opportunities.
McDonald’s Wins Twitter Followers with “McWinning”
McDonald’s director of social media Rick Wion said he took a chance that something fun and timely on Twitter like “mcwinning” would get tweeters to lay off the McLobster
Telltale Games Plays to Win in Email Targeting
Until recently, video game developer Telltale Games was working with an internally built email system. This was all well and good, but it didn’t have the “playability” the San Rafael, CA-based digital publisher needed.
Why Email Recapture Campaigns Are Worth the Effort
iPost recently analyzed the email interaction and purchase behavior of 3.3 million subscribers in our database over an 18-month period, to determine whether recapture campaigns, designed to rekindle inactive subscribers’ interest, were worth a marketer’s effort. The answer was a resounding yes.
Best Practices: Strategies for Growing an Email Program
Between opt-outs and email address changes, any brand’s email list can shrink at the rate of 30% to 35% annually—most of it certainly because of the latter, rather than the former. Thus, it’s imperative that marketers always have acquisition tactics in the field to
Chicken of the Sea Uses Social Mermaid to Revitalize the Brand
The effort involves online video, twitter, Facebook and even a branded casual game.
Why Marketers Fail to Send Dynamically Segmented Emails
Most direct mailers segment their promotions to customers, sending offers that their analytics have determined will be most responsive to this particular product or offer. They do this because it is a profitable approach. Dynamically segmented direct mail boosts conversions and profits.