Digital + Social
Michigan Casts Wide Do-Not-E-Mail Net
If the first charges brought under Michigan’s so-called child-protection do-not-e-mail law are any indication, the state is casting a far wider net than Utah.
People Will Turn on Images in E-mail: Epsilon
While most consumers have encountered default image suppression in their e-mail boxes, most also know how to turn them on and will do so in e-mail from senders they know and trust, according to a survey released yesterday by e-mail service provider Epsilon Interactive.
Stupid Country Watch: New Zealand to Allow Nonprofit Spam
Proving that Utah and Michigan don’t have a monopoly on wacky lawmakers, New Zealand’s commerce select committee has recommended changing the country’s anti-spam bill so its citizens can send unsolicited e-mail and need not stop even if asked by the recipient to do so, as long as the messages are non-commercial, according to a story on
Poland Raises Ante Against Spam
Poland has added an anti-spam provision in a draft amendment to its telecommunications law, according to TMCnet.
The new regulation would make spamming—which the report did not define—a crime punishable by a fine of up to $32,000.
Stupid Media Watch: Self-Important Windbags Get Spam Blocked
The San Jose Mercury News last week ran an insufferable article describing how Comcast blacklisted e-mail from the oh-so important members of the online community The WELL.
Hillary’s Privacy Bill a Whopper
New York Sen. Hillary Clinton has introduced a far-reaching privacy bill that could spell deep trouble for any business that uses so-called personally identifiable information for marketing purposes.
Stupid Magilla Watch: Please Pass the Drool Bucket
Last week, we poked fun at the results of a study claiming that pump-and-dump spammers can make as much as 6% on their investment with each blast.
Turns out our analysis was embarrassingly off the mark. We