SOME CALL IT EAVESDROPPING, I call it work. A hallmark of a good reporter is the ability to keep his or her ears and eyes open at all times. In that spirit, here are a few things I overheard or saw this past summer.
Oh, Grow Up
Here’s a reminder to keep your files clean and up to date. A young woman and a preteen girl she was babysitting were dining in McDonald’s, shortly after the fast-food emporium got into hot water over its Monopoly contest debacle. (Aren’t you glad you didn’t have to deal with that public relations mess?)
The girl was discussing the merits of whatever Happy Meal toy was being offered that day, when the woman recalled that she was a member of the Burger King Kids Club when she was a bit younger than the girl. When she entered junior high school, she stopped getting mailings from the club