Desktop Savings

Packard Bell NEC, Woodland Hills, CA, is using a mail-in rebate program to drop computer prices on its Packard Bell and NEC Ready brand desktop computers to as little as $499 per unit. The program, which runs this month, offers customers a $200 rebate on PB and NEC Ready 9C systems desktop models.

To take advantage of the rebates, purchasers must sign up for a standard EarthLink Sprint TotalAccess Internet account for $19.95 per month. The first 15 days are a free trial, after which the PC owners can cancel without charge.

Consumers who purchase either computer will also have the opportunity to capitalize on available mail-in rebates from such peripherals vendors as Lexmark, Visoneer, and Imation. The combination of these rebates could reduce the price of a complete PC package by more than $200.

“Packard Bell NEC has always offered advanced, easy-to-use computers at prices that families and home users can afford,” says senior vp-marketing Mal Ransom, adding that the promo was a way to say thank you to customers.