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Data & Analytics
E-commerce: Meet the New Boss
With apologies to the Who, your new boss ain’t the same as the old boss–at least in the digital world. Who is the new boss? She’s between 25 and 54 years old.
Data & Analytics
Hispanic Online Best Practices: Comparability and Maintenance
Before you begin to develop a Hispanic online initiative, consider very carefully comparability—how similar your Hispanic online program is to your corresponding general-market program–and maintenance
Data & Analytics
Marketing to Today’s Teens: The Same but Different
Accounting for 25% of the population in the United States, Generation Y not only provides a huge current market, but it also provides the possibility of gaining lifelong brand loyalty.
Data & Analytics
Hispanic Online Best Practices: URL Strategy
A URL is the most important and direct form of access to a given Website. When looking at the URLs of sites that target the Hispanic online market we find many approaches that can be grouped into four top-level strategies:
Data & Analytics
Hispanic Online Best Practices: Access
To drive traffic to a Hispanic site, you can of course leverage integrated Hispanic marketing, using both online and offline tactics, to create awareness of your Hispanic online program.
Data & Analytics
Latino Passion Points: Trite or True?
Even if you don’t understand Spanish, you probably won’t have much difficulty picking up on recurring themes in the spots you see on Spanish-language TV.
Data & Analytics
Hispanic Online Best Practices: In Culture
To most effectively communicate with U.S. Hispanics online, it is critical to connect with them through an emotional thread that all Hispanics, regardless of country of origin, can identify with.
Data & Analytics
Hispanic Online Best Practices: In-Language
On the surface, the issue of language in the Hispanic online market seems quite simple. Most marketers assume that a “Hispanic” online program equates to a “Spanish” online program. What’s more, they often assume that the way to deliver Spanish content is via translation.
Data & Analytics
Turning Strategy into Creative for the Hispanic Market
Marketing to U.S. Hispanics isn’t some mysterious process that breaks all the rules taught on college campuses around the world for decades. To market to Hispanics, just start with the basic marketing model
Data & Analytics
What Makes Millennials Millennials
It would be an understatement to say that as Millennials (those born between 1977 and 1994) come of age, the rest of population is taken aback.