Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper Debuts

Dr Pepper has a new flavor: cherry vanilla.

Cadbury Schweppes will make regular and diet versions of the new drink for Texas and nearby states then roll the beverage nationwide in January. Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper is the first offering in the company’s new Fountain Classics line.

Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe imitators around the company’s Plano, TX, headquarters will promote Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper with the tagline, “Tastes so good you get lost in it.” In addition, hundreds of roller skating carhops will deliver 80,000 sample to consumers in 26 markets.

The drinks will be available in 12-packs of 12-ounce cans and 20-ounce single-serve bottles. Additional packaging, including a 21-ounce “football” bottle with a texture that looks like a football will be available in certain areas.

Fifteen-second TV spots, 30- and 60-radio ads and two outdoor campaigns support.