ANYBODY ELSE AROUND HERE miss Walter Cronkite?
How about Huntley and Brinkley, or Harry Reasoner? Or, for that matter, who misses the 7 o’clock network news on TV?
Don’t get me wrong. I appreciate a 24-hour news cycle. I enjoy tuning in CNN at 1:30 a.m. and watching two lawyers argue loudly about the next smart legal maneuver by Scooter Libby or Kevin Federline. But sometimes I find myself longing for the old days when you could set aside a half-hour before dinner and let Walter, Harry or some other kindly current-events uncle fill you in on the day’s haps. All the news you needed in one quick dose: a few pictures from a foreign war, some footage of Nixon and Mao pointing at something, maybe a shot of Hank Aaron taking batting practice