
Data Driven ROI

  • Myths About B-to-B E-Mail

    When it comes to e-mail, yesterday’s best practices often are today’s conventional wisdom. Take scheduling. One piece of channel doctrine states that Tuesdays and Thursdays are the best days for sending e-mail newsletters or blasts.

  • E-Zine Tips and Teasers

    Things to remember about e-mail newsletters

  • Taco Bell Launches Online Food Sightings Museum

    Whether its pizza, toast or corn chips, a growing number of consumers are reporting seeing images in their food. And to pay homage to this new phenomenon, Taco Bell has launched a home for these edible “visions” via the first online Food Sightings …

  • Scholastic Offers Libraries Harry Potter Sweeps

    Harry Potter isn’t just for kids. Even U.S. libraries are joining in the book craze, thanks to a new contest by Scholastic Inc. J.K. Rowling’s sixth edition of Harry Potter hits retail store July 16 Scholastic Inc., the publisher of the series, is …

  • Starburst Puts Texting Promo on 60 Million Wrappers

    Starburst Fruit Chews is out with an on-pack promotion that taps a hot duo: teens and cell phones. The More Juice, More Bursts instant win and sweepstakes game is promoted on more than 60 million packages. Participants have two choices: they can text in …

  • Before You Create a Seasonal Campaign, Answer These Questions

    A multichannel, multiple-impression marketing approach—a seasonal marketing campaign, if you will–is far more effective than the traditional “one off” promotions that are conceived and executed in a vacuum. This is particularly true in complex environments such as when direct channels interact with brick-and-mortar retail, or in b-to-b

  • Tips for Successful Online Research

    It’s not hard to see why online surveys are the market research tool of choice for an ever-growing number of companies. They’re comparatively easy to manage, and they can often be created inhouse with software that constructs the survey as well as calculates the results

  • Getting Personal Drives Sales at Xerox

    Xerox Corp. found a way to use small car to get big results. But while the chance to win a Mini Cooper auto in a sweepstakes no doubt was a key factor in the success of Xerox’s Igen3 campaign last summer, so was the company’s decision to create a personalized Website

  • CC Ups the Ante to $2.5MM

    Canadian Club whisky kicked off its largest marketing promotion to date last month, tying its brand to the explosive popularity of poker, especially among

  • LA Gear Launches Interactive Campaign, Sweeps

    LA Gear is bringing its brand to life via an interactive campaign featuring its new track shoe styles, in which animated shoestrings act out various scenes from Hollywood movie genres online. Consumers who log on to Lagear.comcan see the shoestrings in …