

  • Energizer Targets Tuners via DUB

    The Energizer Bunny is hanging with gearheads for a hip-hop concert and auto tour next year.

  • Sainsbury’s Launches Customized Magazine

    U.K. grocer Sainsbury’s has launched a customized magazine that piggybacks its participation in Nectar, a popular coalition loyalty program.

  • Wal-Mart Breaks Celeb-Heavy Holiday Ads

    Wal-Mart Stores is getting an early start with its holiday image advertising, but still plans to play up price when the shopping season begins in earnest later this month.

  • P&G Takes Tide To Go to Martha Stewart

    Procter & Gamble wraps up an online sampling blitz for Tide To Go just as the brand appears tonight on The Apprentice: Martha Stewart.

  • McDonald’s Bids McRib Farewell Via ‘Tour’

    McDonald’s Corp. is taking its McRib Sandwich on the road, giving consumers one last chance to taste the product before the company removes it from the menu. The McRib Sandwich, which debuted in 1982 as a promotional menu item, has outlived its original …

  • Campbell Brings Batman In-Store

    Campbell Soup Co. will bring Batman into 7,000 supermarkets in first-quarter 2006. Campbell will install floor graphics in January and run FSIs touting the latest character tie-in for its kids’ soups. Campbell licensed Batman in its first-ever deal with …

  • Goodbye, Marshall Field’s

    I said goodbye to Mr. Field while I was in Chicago last month. I walked through Marshall Field’s Michigan Avenue store for old time’s sake, before it

  • Bridging Off and Online

    More and more customers are buying products over the Web and picking them up at a store. Although in-store operations have improved considerably in the

  • Brave New Storefront

    Ninety percent of all applications on the Internet have yet to be invented, according to the man who invented it in the first place. Now in his sixties,

  • Citigroup Hangs Mirrors Across Manhattan

    Citigroup’s Women & Co. division is bringing a little glam to guerilla marketing by posting mirrors in public places. The four-city effort puts hundreds of gilt-framed mirrors on city streets in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Chicago. Captions …