
Direct Marketing | Print

  • Deceit Isn’t the Best Way to Get Your Envelope Opened

    How far can you go in order to get your envelope opened? Obviously, if you need a lawyer to parse the language you’ll be using, you’re going too far.

  • Tips and Teasers

    * Nortel has unveiled several new products designed to help small and medium sized businesses, including the Business Ethernet Switch 100 Family, Business Secure Router 222, Business Access Point 120 and Business Element Manager.

  • Integrating Search and Traditional Marketing

    The Boston Red Sox; “American Idol”; “Lost”; “The Amazing Race”. Wednesday is a busy night on TV! To avoid this viewing traffic jam, I record “Lost” so I can view it another time, minus the ads. During the course of watching these programs, what messages reach me? Which ones resonate? What do I absorb? As a marketer, you actually have a good shot at finding out. How? With search.

  • Loose Cannon: Cads and Grads

    Despite the direct marketing industry’s $2.7 trillion contribution to the United States economy, you can count the number of DMers invited to speak at college graduations on one hand – and the number of DM reporters on one finger, if that.

    Because of this, another year will pass without my delivering the following graduation address to a sea of freshly scrubbed, hung-over, mortarboard-shaded faces.

  • Live From Total Circulation 06: Yoga Journal Builds Sub List Online

    Who said that only large magazines can build a strong online subscription business? Smaller publications can do it, too. Take the case of Yoga Journal, a niche periodical that appears seven times a year.


    NEW LISTS Eating Well This list names those subscribers to Eating Well magazine who requested a corresponding e-mail newsletter. Some 24,834 newsletter

  • The Honest Listmaker

    A.J. Liebling, who wrote for the New Yorker for almost 30 years, was known mostly for his articles on boxing, food, the press and World War II. But buried

  • Black or White?

    Welcome to Pick the Winner, a new semi-regular column in Direct. Take a look at the two creative packages and guess which one pulled best. Then go to

  • The Zoo Story

    AFTER NEARLY TWO YEARS about as long as an Asian elephant’s gestation period Seattle’s Woodland Park Zoo is back in the mail with a 125,000-piece membership

  • It’s in the Cards

    SURE, BLOGS, E-MAIL AND SEARCH ARE GREAT. But for continuity card publisher IMP, nothing beats the tactile appeal of good old-fashioned direct mail.