
Direct Marketing | Print

  • Match ‘Em Up

    KATHY’S DESIGNING HER NEW restaurant’s kitchen and is looking to buy several new high-end stoves, refrigerators and the like. As the salesman prepares

  • Channel Challenges

    A number of years ago I was in a kickoff meeting for a large project focusing on multichannel order management. The goal was to integrate data from different

  • E-mail Delivery Improves Slightly

    E-MAILBOX PROVIDERS blocked 19.2% of all permission-based commercial e-mail during the first half of 2006, according to a study by e-mail delivery firm Return Path.

    This average is a slight improvement over the 21% reported in the second half last year, the firm noted.

  • Clean = Green

    IMAGINE SPENDING ALL YOUR time preparing for an extravagant dinner party. The champagne is bubbling, the cutlery is shining, and the platters of hors

  • Think Before You Contact

    In direct marketing the call to action is critical. If you capture how a prospect or customer historically responds via mail, the Web, inbound call, face

  • What’s Next, a Pitch From the Hazardous Waste Unit?

    HERE’S A NOVEL IDEA: Only a credit card company’s marketing department should craft its pitches. Its lawyers, operations and accounting people should

  • Google Aims for Main Street

    EVERYBODY’S CHASING SMALL businesses. On the user side, research suggests that anywhere from 50% to 80% of all online searches may have a local intent

  • It’s Good to Be King

    Treat your best customers with care Top customers deserve special treatment. You can afford it, and they expect it and thrive on it. So business marketers


    NEW LISTS Stamats Business Media E-mail Several e-mail lists have been released by Stamats Business Media. Buildings magazine has the largest count with

  • From the Big Chair

    BY THE TIME THIS article sees print, Howard Draft will be one delighted chairman. Or a very disappointed one. It all hinges on the review Wal-Mart is