
Direct Marketing | Print

  • A Guide to Giving

    Way back in 1997, it was hard for a small nonprofit with a limited budget to get attention. The Internet wasn’t the fundraising powerhouse it is today,

  • ZIP+4 + 2 = ZIP+6

    How do you get an entire newspaper chain to improve its targeting? It’s not easy when you own 90 papers, ranging from small weeklies to big-town dailies.

  • The Name Game

    Prospective parents are accustomed to lots of tests: for the health of the baby, for its gender, and for the mother’s wellness. And so when, a content site aimed at parents-to-be, wanted to optimize search traffic, it took a leaf from that baby book and did some testing of its own.

  • Web Doctor

    Pharmaceutical marketers can spend millions to create commercials that target, say, every allergy sufferer who watches Desperate Housewives on Sunday

  • Mixed Breed

    Purebreds may fetch a high price at market, but it was a mixed marketing pedigree that helped the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

  • Watch This

    Publishers and other marketers looking to get their customers’ and prospects’ attention might want to put on a show — a video Webcast, to be specific.

  • Window-Shopping the Small Screen

    Little more than a month after the holidays, many consumers probably still have psychic scars from the jammed malls and parking lots. Those memories may

  • DMers’ PR Strategy: Get Visual

    As direct marketers vie for a more strategic position at the executive table, they have a mighty weapon: numbers. Deep inside marketing databases lie

  • Printer’s Mailing Gets 50% Response

    Every now and then, digital technology produces unexpected results for old-fashioned direct mail. Take Superior Printing Inks, which achieved more than

  • Alive and Well

    In this multichannel age, direct mail is still the largest single power in direct marketing. The U.S. Postal Service handled 102.5 billion pieces of standard