

  • A More Effective Path

    If someone had told the forefathers of direct marketing there would be a day when it will no longer be necessary to spend money to guess who might be

  • Consumers Naive About Web Data

    Consumers who go online at home are in the dark about how Web site operators use their personal data, and most are not very interested in the subject,

  • Beyond Data Collection

    If the first step in online marketing’s adaptation of traditional DM techniques was measurement, the next is a focus on return on investment. At Sony

  • Sales Boom for Iraqi Most Wanted Cards

    In June, when American military officials captured Saddam Hussein’s top aide, Abid Hamid Mahmoud al-Tikriti, the tabloid headlines blared that the U.S.

  • Moves Away From E-mail is a victim of the fallout from spam. Once the primo prospecting method for the dating Web site, this year e-mail has been shoved behind other

  • Who Kidnapped My Keyword?

    Few Internet marketing techniques have been as widely adopted as search marketing and affiliate marketing. Web publishers are merging the two techniques

  • T-Mobile a Hit With TLC Campaign

    T-Mobile achieved a 15% response lift over its previous campaigns with a multichannel effort featuring the band TLC. The objective of the campaign, which

  • Op-Ed: Who Kidnapped My Keyword?

    Few Internet marketing techniques have been as widely adopted as search marketing and affiliate marketing. Web publishers are merging the two techniques

  • Spam Attack

    FEDERAL ANTI-SPAM LEGISLATION is becoming as plentiful as the millions of unsolicited bulk e-mails jamming inboxes every day. Since April, three bills

  • Low Turnout a Mixed Blessing

    The conference, thought earlier this year to be able to draw 1,000 people, hosted a mere 300 or so, according to attendees and exhibitors