

  • The Search Is On

    As lower costs and potentially higher returns drive more corporate advertising dollars into online media, the DM industry could be on the verge of another

  • The Psychic Mailman

    Imagine how much more powerful catalog distribution would be if you could employ a psychic mailman to wait outside the doors of your best customers’ homes

  • How to Make Your Landing Page Sell

    The Hawaii vacations area of A1 Vacation recently dropped from Google’s fifth search result to 55th. The site, which promotes regional resorts,

  • SEM Growth Leads to Trademark Issues

    The growth of search engine marketing has uncovered a new breed of trademark cases, according to a panel of lawyers speaking at Jupitermedia’s Search

  • Know Your Competition

    Looking for a way to elbow ahead of your competition online? One way to do that is to learn everything you can about their search behavior, said Allan

  • Casing the Competition

    A competitor is eating your lunch. You know it. They know it. What you don’t know is how they did it. Welcome to the murky world of search engine optimization

  • Live from NEMOA: The “Crumb” Theory of Search

    Search marketing can be a “crumby” business. But that’s a positive, not a negative, according to consultant Alan Rimm-Kaufman, president

  • Acquisition E-mail Delivers Sales

    At press time, Bob Alcorn, COO of high-tech firm nFrame, was putting the finishing touches on his company’s second e-mail newsletter. He whistled as he

  • US Golf Association Launches New Digital Catalog

    The United States Golf Association (USGA) has launched a new online digital version of its new spring 2004 catalog Monday. The site,,

  • A Vote for E-Marketing

    Howard Dean may have missed his shot at the White House. But his campaign will be studied by fundraisers for a long time to come. For one thing, the campaign