

  • Photo Instruction Site Sees Organic Growth

    In 1996, Jim Miotke saw a friend compose her final college project on the Web and figured he could do the same sort of thing. But he wasn’t content with merely creating a personal Web page. He wanted to design one that dealt with his greatest interest, the art of photography.

    That led him to launch, a Web site that teaches people how to take pictures and use online photo editing programs.

  • MIVA Makes Some Smooth Moves

    How do you compete with the advertising networks run by Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft and the like? One possible way might be to offer ad products that they don

  • For Dedicated Physicians, a Dedicated Search

    Last fall, the world got a bemused chuckle at the news that a team of doctors used Google to come up with the right diagnosis for a majority of 26 difficult medical cases. But in reality, practicing physicians find Google, or any general search engine, difficult to use for research simply because they do contain so much data, and so much of it is aimed at non-professional audiences.

  • Searching for the Retail Value of SEM

    Search engine marketing (SEM) does more than deliver immediate online transactions. It generates in-store transactions too. A 2005 research from the Dieringer Research Group revealed that more than 80 million U.S. consumers a year make offline purchases after researching online; most bought more than what they researched once they got into the store. But most marketers still need a hard number to work with to factor offline demand into campaign metrics.

  • Terry Welty Takes Senior VP of Marketing Job at Quark

    Terry Welty has joined software firm Quark as senior vice president of corporate marketing. In this role, Welty will oversee the company’s online marketing, direct marketing, creative services and corporate communications operations.

  • New Products and Services

    BizGoSM: This mobile services allows professionals to verify companies’ commercial credit information from a Web-enabled cell phone, PDA or other hand-held device.

  • Survey Reveals Web Page Features Favored by Consumers

    Improved customer service and Web site features would encourage more consumers to shop online, according to survey findings released by the e-commerce software company Allurent Inc.

  • People in the News

    Elise Neel has been appointed director of online measurement for the West Coast at the marketing research firm InsightExpress. Neel previously worked for

  • Google Adds YouTube to Video Search Result

    Google has started including content from YouTube in its video search results, integrating clips from the video-sharing site into Google Video search results for the first time since it acquired the company last November for $1.65 billion.

  • ShopWiki Partners on Tech Guide from Men’s Health

    Comparison shopping engine ShopWiki has entered into a strategic partnership with fitness publication Men’s Health to let readers use ShopWiki to search more than 180,000 online stores for the best prices on the top picks among the products listed in the Men’s Health 2007 Tech Guide.