

  • Good Morning, Class

    Video may have killed the radio star, but it was a boon to the professor the Video Professor, that is. The direct marketer of instructional computer videos,

  • Class Mobility

    In mobile marketing, it’s all about adding value. A Harris Interactive poll last fall found that 26% of users will accept ads on their cell phones if

  • Big Ideas for Microsites

    Bill Hanekamp is a huge fan of small Web sites. Technically, they’re called microsites small, self-contained Web destinations that are separate from a

  • Anglo-American

    It doesn’t matter which side of the pond they’re on. The first stop for most consumers planning a trip is the Internet. That’s why VisitBritain, the United

  • Handling Calls In-House

    f you’re dialing into a call center from home, chances are you may be relaxing in pajamas and slippers. And chances are the reps you talk to may be in their PJs too.

  • Direct Asks

    No question I know, it’s a no-brainer, but they deserve the accolades. The site is well designed, easy to use, their product lines have expanded

  • Google’s Parking Problems

    My list of the ways Google is like my hometown of Chicago comes down to one item: They both have parking problems that are rooted in history and long overdue for a solution. And in both cases, conspiracy-minded observers see a plot to keep the revenue stream open.

  • Online Ad Spending to Slow

    U.S. marketers will continue to shift their spending into online advertising in 2007, according to EMarketer.

  • Class Mobility

    (Direct) In mobile marketing, it’s all about adding value. A Harris Interactive poll last fall found that 26% of users will accept ads on their cell phones if they also get free applications that make their lives easier.

  • A Gaggle of Google Updates

    Those marketers who are up for a good algorithm chase should lace up their Adidas: Google