

  • Google Acquires RSS Platform with FeedBurner Buy

    Google announced Friday that it will acquire FeedBurner, a company that distributes both content and advertising to blogs and other media Web sites.

  • QVC, Netflix Top List of Customer E-Satisfiers

    Movie rental site Netflix and home shopping portal are, along with perennial winner, the current kings of online customer satisfaction, according to the ForeSee Results Top 100 Online Retail Satisfaction Index.

  • Innovation Interactive Completes Buyout from Parent

    nnovation Interactive, the digital marketing company that owns such online service agencies agencies as search marketing firm 360i and media management platform SearchIgnite, announced today that it has completed a buyout from its parent company, Livedoor Japan.

  • Google’s New Search: Universal, and Far from Remote

    (Searchline) Google has made a major change in the way it displays its general search results. And while the impact may at first be small, the significance of that change will grow over time and eventually ripple through the very concept of optimizing Web pages for search.

  • Some, Some Don’

    A new survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project shows that while 31% of American adults get lots of productivity and satisfaction out of using Internet-connected technology, 20% use such devices grudgingly

  • Of Monkeys and Men

    In early May, researchers from the Yerkes National Primate Research Center found a possible correlation between human speech and the gestures of chimpanzees.

  • Soft Cell

    Analysts keep saying that in the United States there are eight cell phones to every PC. But so far, the mobile sphere is rife with unrealized potential. Mobile marketing is confined largely to messages advertisers are pretty sure young users will be glad to opt into, such as video clips from upcoming movies. And m-commerce is still restricted, for the most part, to content subscriptions and digital downloads of ringtones and wallpapers.

  • Message From Jupiter

    It’ll happen any minute that big surge of online shoppers we’ve all been waiting for. Right? Not so fast. Growth has flattened out, and there simply won’t


    Monitoring a Web site used to be a fairly straightforward proposition. Leading indicators like traffic, page views and sales gave a pretty good idea of how things were going. A more sophisticated check might involve observing how many visitors came through search results or affiliates rather than navigating directly to your page.

  • Skirting the Issue

    Craig Cochrane knew he wanted to break into electronic retailing. Armed with an MBA from the University of Southern California and several years in network and digital television production, he just needed the right concept.