

  • Web Marketer Ditches Shopping Cart to Take Orders by Phone reported its conversion rate for Web site visitors to buyers has increased to 35% to 40% since it added a click-to-call feature to its online chat customer service. Its online customer conversion rate previously ranged from 1% to 2%.

  • MSN AdCenter Adds Quality Reports

    Microsoft will make click quality reports available to advertisers on its adCenter pay-per-click platform, the company announced last week.

  • Amazon To Open Fulfillment Center in Phoenix Inc. plans to open a new fulfillment center in Phoenix, AZ during third quarter 2007. The new facility will employ upward of 300 people year-round, with holiday capacity expanding by 1,000-1,300 temporary workers.

  • Search Marketing Technology Patent Awarded to Corp., Irvine, CA, has received a U.S. patent for its 411 local search engine technology used for pay-per-click and pay-per-call advertising

  • Survey Finds Limited Marketing Impact From Social Web Sites

    Social networking and community network Web sites like drive 12% of online shoppers to purchase more than they planned, according survey findings released in a report from JupiterResearch.

  • AOL Gets into Coupon Marketing

    AOL will launch an online coupon program that will let users get rebates from selected retailers.

  • People in the News

    LinkedIn Hires Yahoo! Marketer as Vice President
    Professional-focused social network LinkedIn has named Patrick Crane, vice president of marketing for Yahoo!’s network division, to be its vice president in charge of marketing

  • American Blogstand

    A pilot program in which news was turned into song became the second most popular video feature on last month.

  • In the Zone, Online or Off

    AutoZone Inc.’s new product look-up system for driving in-store sales will soon be tried on its Web site.

    The $6 billion company, which sells auto parts and accessories, has two customer segments: do-it-yourselfers and professional technicians. But it faced a challenge: How to make sure it had the exact parts customers needed.

  • Blog Commandments

    In this excerpt from