

  • Yahoo Acquires BlueLithium for $300 Million

    Yahoo Inc. will acquire BlueLithium, the online advertising network, for $300 million.

  • Acquires Agent Mailing, an online and video business directory, has acquired Agent Mailing a real estate Web site in Florida.

  • Hires Mark Romanelli and Tim Ludwig, LLC has named Mark Romanelli executive vice president and hired Tim Ludwig to serve as business logistics director. Ludwig will also join GiftCards’ board.

  • HP Includes Online Component in $300 Million Campaign

    (PromoXTRA)Hewlett-Packard has launched a $300 million campaign for a new line of printers, featuring several online elements.

  • Sleep on It

    Perhaps you have children leaving for college for the first time this month. Have you given a lot of thought to the sheets they’ll be sleeping on? Peggy Allen and Ronda Pierson have.

  • Curb Your Enthusiasm

    Is investment in online marketing growing the way it once did? Probably not, judging from Direct’s 2007 online marketing survey.

    Fewer DMers are planning large spending increases this time around, and more seem to be embracing a wait-and-see attitude.

  • Getting In

    If you have any doubts about how thoroughly geeky I can be and believe me, I can provide testimonials from family and friends please consider the nerd

  • Hire Standards

    If you have online marketing experience, get your resume in shape. The headhunters may be comin’ a callin’. A recent report by The Creative Group shows

  •’s 2.0 Makeover

    Last October launched an extensively remodeled Web site. The avowed mission? To at least keep pace with

  • It’s Mysterious

    What’s in a name? Intrigue, if you ask the folks at Stormship. The Medford, MA-based agency which has a number of clients in the high-tech and education