Data & Analytics
Data & Analytics
Preparing for the Population Pyramid Shift
What kind of an audience will marketers be looking at in the year 2050? If you look into Andrew Zolli’s crystal ball, the population pyramid looks more like an hourglass
Data & Analytics
Hispanic Online Marketing: Beyond the Basics
Today there are relatively few online options that advertisers can use to target Hispanics. This reality is a result of two main factors.
Data & Analytics
The Luxury of Change: Trends for Upscale Marketers
Perhaps the rich are different…but in many ways companies targeting the wealthiest consumers aren’t that different from those marketing to a mass audience.
Data & Analytics
Hispanic Online Best Practices: Integrated Marketing and Operations
The term “integrated marketing” is a popular industry buzzword referring to the synchronization of all aspects of marketing communications, enabling each to work the others as a unified force rather than in isolation.
Data & Analytics
Young and Restless: Tips for Reaching Teens Online
Marketing to youth is one of the hottest yet most challenging topics in digital marketing–for good reason.
Data & Analytics
Hispanic Online Best Practices: Features and Functionality
Critical features and functionality tend to vary by company and by online initiative. For an online retailer, for instance, a shopping cart is a critical feature; for an airline, a booking engine is key.
Data & Analytics
RU Ready 4 the DM Generation?
The conference in New York kicked off on Oct. 11 with a keynote presentation on w@ U N2K about the DM generation.
Data & Analytics
Finding the Hispanic American Online
If you don’t figure out how to market to Hispanics over the next few years, you may not have a career in marketing.
Data & Analytics
Hispanic Online Best Practices: Toggle
In the context of Hispanic online marketing, “toggle” is functionality deployed on a Website that allows a user to seamlessly change the language of a given page from English to Spanish and vice versa.
Data & Analytics
Hispanic Online Best Practices: Notification
As we discussed in our previous article, Hispanic Online Best Practices: Comparability and Maintenance, a Hispanic online program does not have to be all or nothing. We recommend that companies take a strategic approach in developing Hispanic online initiatives. In many cases, this entails a phased approach with key milestones.