What Business Can Learn from Politicians
Marketers have plenty to learn from politicians. The campaigns carefully craft and calibrate their messaging to appeal to very specific groups of voters.
Coke’s New Packaging Strategy, Sameness
Coca-Cola has a new packaging strategy. Its debuting a “One Brand” look for its regular Coke, Diet Coke, Coke Zero and Coke Life.
What Brands Can Learn from Politicians
Here are some helpful lessons that brands can learn from politicians.
5 Ways Influencer Marketing Transforms Retail Sales
Here are five key ways influencer marketing has reshaped the marketplace and transformed retail sales.
Beta Testing Gen Z Story on Campus
Here are three things to keep in mind when marketing to college students, including Gen Z, over the next several years.
Taking the Fight to Digital: UFC CBO Garry Cook
UFC global chief brand officer Garry Cook shares interesting marketing insights into an organization that holds 40 fights each year.
New Research Promotes Education-based Marketing
New research from VCU Brandcenter and the VCU School of Business confirms that a education-based marketing strategy works.
3 Insights to Market to Gen Z
Gen Z—those born between the mid-nineties and 2009—are becoming the newest demo marketers are targeting.
Attribution: A Linear Approach to Conversion Credit
If you’re looking to optimize your spend across various channels, attribution helps us understand where to place conversion credit.
Why Referral Marketing Is a Strategic Imperative for 2016
Most business leaders intuitively believe that referrals are the best possible leads, and new research shows just how dramatic an impact referrals have.