Bush Wins DM Straw Poll

George W. Bush is the next president of the United States. And the new senator from New York will be Rick Lazio.

Those are the results of a straw poll conducted in July by MeritDirect, Stamford, CT, during its first Business-to-Business co-op conference.

Bush Gets 54% Of 95 direct marketers voting, 54% cast their votes for Bush. Al Gore received 42% and Pat Buchanan and Ralph Nader each drew 1%.

In addition, there was one write-in vote for Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura. The respondent’s comment was, “More wrestlers, less subterfuge.”

In the New York senate race, Republican Rick Lazio beat Hillary Rodham Clinton by a tally of 59% to 41% (including non-New Yorkers). Of the 18 New York State residents who voted, Lazio got the support of 15 – or 86%.