Burger Slayers

Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s are on the search for fearless consumers who aren’t afraid to show what it takes to devour a good burger.

Building off the theme of the long gone medieval days, the QSRs launched a contest that asks consumers to snap photos of themselves as “burger slayers” chomping on a Carl’s Jr. or Hardee’s burger. Consumers can submit photos via e-mail or upload them from their digital cameras on to Carlsjr.com and at Hardees.com.

Each day, the best photos in the field will be posted online where consumers can vote for their favorite burger slayer challenger. The top vote getter at each QSR earns the prestigious “Burger Slayer of the Month” title and gets a month supply of burgers. As part of the prize, Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s will post the winners photos and biographies online.

“The most popular sites on the Web today tend to be ones that contain user generated content,” says Brad Haley, executive VP-marketing for the two brands. “This promotion gave us a chance to give customers the ability to create their own content in a quick and easy way.”

The contest, which targets hungry, young males, marks the first time Carl’s Jr and Hardee’s are tapping user-generated content for a promotion. The contest, which launched last month, will renew each month when Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s will knight new Burger Slayers. P-O-P and online materials support. Los Angeles-based Spacedog, Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s interactive agency of record, handles.