Burger King “Whopper Virgins” Campaign Draws Ire: Pro Shop Blog

Back when I worked on a restaurant trade mag in the early ‘90s, we ran an annual diner survey that polled U.S. customers about their favorite chains and menu items in a number of different industry categories. And every year we ran that survey, there were two categories of restaurant calling to get the results the minute they were in: the fine dining white-tablecloth places that were fighting for nationwide bragging rights; and Burger King.

See, the King had grown accustomed to running TV spots that trumpeted the fact that people in this survey consistently placed their burgers above McDonald’s for taste. (And they did, at least during the years I worked on that staff.)

Now Burger king and its agency Crispin Porter & Bogusky are running an ad campaign around a global “taste test.” And the results, at least in the urn-up to the online release of the “results”, are causing a furor among Web visitors.

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