Big Fat Marketing Blog

B-to-B, Step by Step

|  by Beth Negus Viveiros

For many business-to-business marketers, lead generation is a multistep process. And to move those leads towards a sale, you need to have something to share at every step along the way. At least week's MarketingProf's B-to-B Forum in Boston, Mac ...

Let’s get connected

I used to have a friend who was a great fan of awkward social moments. The same faux pas that made the rest of us cringe actually fascinated him. He claimed to study such moments, not to see how people extricated themselves or apologized, but to observe ...

New PR Thinking: Blast Releases to Everyone and Anyone

|  by Tim Parry

If I had a dollar for every junk press release I received a day, I'd be rich. I'm not talking about the non-news press releases blasted out by some of the companies we cover (like the one that announced it signed a new client but did not reveal the name ...

Iceland, Iceland, Baby

The Icelandic Tourist Board finally sent its May e-newsletter, which does a great job of reassuring potential visitors that they shouldn

My Run-In With Alice Z.

|  by Melissa Dowling

Alice Zea, former president of AZ List Marketing, died May 1 at age 91. I can't say I really knew Alice, but I knew she was a character. And I once drove her car. Back in the late '80s, AZ List Marketing handled the mailing list of Exposures. I had ...

Information Transformation

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

With the news today that the iconic weekly news magazine Newsweek is for sale, my mind wandered to how rapidly things are changing in our world, and how information is dispatched even faster than your finger can click your computer mouse. (Yes, I ...