Big Fat Marketing Blog

E-mail marketing on the go

Apple announced its newest iPhone this week, which means business folks will soon have a new gadget that they can

A Lesson For Pure Plays?

|  by Jim Tierney

A comment attached to a story in Multichannel Merchant about a pure play E-tailer launching a print catalog said the following:

The Following Mobile Sites Irked Me Tuesday

|  by Tim Parry

You get what you pay for: When I upgraded my smart phone back min November, I went with the free one. The E71x runs on the Symbian platform, and we're living in an iPhone and BlackBerry world. Funny that I was having problems with it on my trip to ...

Twitter: So Easy Even a Dog Can Use It

This post started out as a primer to Twitter that I was asked to put together for several of my colleagues. The request came just a week after I explained the joys of tweeting to some friends over dinner. So I figured that, rather than just writing a ...

E-mails We Love: The Container Store

How do you gather enough information about subscribers so that you can personalize your messaging without asking for so much data that you scare them off from opting in? The Container Store waited several weeks after I subscribed to its marketing ...

Will AT&T Wireless Stunt Mobile Growth?

|  by Tim Parry

Just when you think mobile is beginning to take off, AT&T Wireless announces it's new pricing options, which means new iPhone and iPad customers will no longer have unlimited Internet access on those devices. Actually, I take that back - that plan is for ...