Big Fat Marketing Blog

How to Get Social with Multichannel Merchant (and its People)

|  by Tim Parry

We write an awful lot about social media, and we want to practice what we preach. We're out there on the social networks and hopefully, you want to talk with us there outside the traditional Multichannel Merchant space. Here's where you can engage with ...

Exploring your trade show options

Do big industry trade shows have a future? There are many reasons why B-to-B companies might be growing tired of their industry-specific trade shows: --Travel is both expensive and an increasingly huge hassle --It's hard to figure out if/how the ...

A&F Quarterly: It’s Baaack

|  by Melissa Dowling

Look out: Abercrombie & Fitch is bringing back its racy magalog, A&F Quarterly, back to the U.S. The casual apparel merchant will start selling the 176-page magazine/catalog hybrid next month for $10. Don

Shopatron Says iPads Making an Impact on M-commerce

|  by Tim Parry

We told you last month that the iPad was going to make m-commerce mainstream, and it looks like we have more proof. A study released before sunrise today by in-store pickup solution provider Shopatron says sales conversion rates on the Apple iPad ...

More To Paper Mail Than Discount Promotion

|  by Richard H. Levey

Of late, apparel marketers have tightened the reins on their inventories. Successfully, it would appear: According to financial reports a number of chains did not rely as heavily on end-of-season promotional pricing as they did in times past. This is ...

The Internet Revolution Will Be Televised

For you futurists out there - well - all I can say is look out because right over the next enormous crest comes the next greatest leap ahead in technology in the form of two internet delivery vehicles - the TV and the mobile device. What

The Internet Revolution Will Be Televised

For you futurists out there - well - all I can say is look out because right over the next enormous crest comes the next greatest leap ahead in technology in the form of two internet delivery vehicles - the TV and the mobile device. What