Big Fat Marketing Blog

Sexy Sells Halloween Costumes

|  by Melissa Dowling

Given that Halloween costumes these days are way more sexy than scary, it was only a matter of time before lingerie merchants got in on the action. The Boston Herald (via the Columbus Dispatch in Ohio) reports that Victoria

A Moving Proposition

In a recent study on new movers, marketing services provider Epsilon notes that excluding the actual costs of the relocation itself

Here’s a Way to Combat LinkedIn Group Spam

|  by Tim Parry

Tell group members to knock it off. It's as simple as that. Here's how Rob Charlebois of the Ecommerce and Online Marketing Experts group did it. As you can see by the feedback, ECOM group members were apologetic of their actions, and also ticked off ...

E-mails We Love: The Reviews Are In

Customer ratings and reviews are all but a must-have on e-commerce sites. Numerous companies have seen sales rise after adding user ratings to their sites, and studies show that they help bolster consumer trust in a brand as well as promote further ...

USPS Up to Old Tricks in Exigent Filing

|  by Larry Riggs

The U.S. Postal Service showed a lack of imagination in its exigent rate case filing this week. The filing, which calls for an average 5.6% hike across the board, looked strikingly similar to the rate cases it used to file under the system that ...

Not-So-Hot Marketing

The East Coast has been engulfed in a record-breaking heat wave that has dominated the news and given casual acquaintances who usually do nothing more than nod at each other in a parking lot something to talk about. Few marketers, however, have been ...