Big Fat Marketing Blog

Don’t Let the Email Grinches Get You Down

Before I jump right in to analyzing the 701 Christmas season marketing emails I received last week, I want to call out a company that would do the Grinch proud: Dr. Leonard

RIP, A.J. Wright

|  by Tim Parry

Just when I thought I was finally over Steve & Barry's, two years after that single-channel retailer's demise, I've been hit with another ton of bricks. TJX announced today that it's closing all 162 of its its A.J. Wright stores. That means ...

A Timely Prize for the Backbone of America

Marketers rack their brains to offer prizes that will pull players into sweepstakes and contests: entertainment packages, trips to exotic locations, barbeque grills, free gas for a year. The goal, of course, is to immerse the consumer in the brand and ...

Signs Mixed On Holiday Season Spending Pullback

|  by Richard H. Levey

A couple of holiday shopping reports published a week ago posed a disturbing question: Had consumers gotten most of their holiday shopping out of the way early, and were December sales going to lag? A week ago, a story on postulated retailers ...

Digging Out from the Cyber Monday Emails

Last week I was feeling a bit smug about having read and analyzed all 563 holiday marketing emails I received the week of Thanksgiving and Black Friday. Got that out of the way, I said, smugly, to myself. The next few weeks should be a cinch in ...