Big Fat Marketing Blog

The Success of the Snuggie

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

I was at a Christmas gift exchange party with friends and the most sought-after, most fought over and biggest gift of the collection was, you guessed it, a Snuggie. It was more popular than the odor-eliminating, fan-powered toilet seat I brought to ...

Random Tales From the Christmas Shopping Front

|  by Tim Parry

My wife returned to work last week after using up her maternity leave and personal/vacation days. It also meant I got to be Mr. Dad and a honey-do list completer for the week. Two of my tasks were to complete transactions with retailers Best Buy and ...

Latest US Census Data Released

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

The US Census today released its latest data. Here is a link to the news from MSNBC. The data shows that US growth is slowing. It also shows the California is the most populous state and that Wyoming is the least. Of course, the data is critical ...

Are the Shelves Bare at L.L. Bean?

|  by Melissa Dowling

I hope it's a sign that L.L. Bean blew the doors off its sales projections, but the outdoor gear and apparel cataloger seems to have very little in stock going into the final days of holiday 2010. That's okay if you're a merchant, not so great when ...

Email Hysteria

Most wonderful time of the year, my tush. Oh, I used to love this season: making a gingerbread house with my daughter, gulping sambuca shots before (and during) the office Christmas party, eating latkes, listening to

The Big Chill

|  by Melissa Dowling

Christmas came early for some merchants in the form of wintery weather throughout much of the country. States such as Minnesota, Ohio and New York saw more than a foot of snow in the past few days, while record low temperatures were reported from ...