Big Fat Marketing Blog

10 best places to work in marketing and advertising

Is it Love that Makes a Great Workplace?

|  by Patty Odell

What makes a great workplace? Is it the camaraderie? A great boss? Friday afternoon happy hours? The little dog that runs around the cubes? In a new survey, one experience that rose to the top again and again is the employees. Referred to as great, friendly, supportive, family, caring, honest, trustworthy … and even … employees…

Wellness Amplified

New Health & Wellness Influencer Network Brings Greater Reach to Marketers

|  by Patty Odell

I had dinner last week with a friend and business associate, Karen Koslow, who with a few other entrepreneurs, has launched an influencer marketing network in a vertical that is not as well developed as the fashion, food and gaming categories are: Health & Wellness. The company, Wellness Amplified, offers a new opportunity for marketers…

Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity

CMOs Flock to Cannes to See What the Future Holds

|  by Patty Odell

I’ve always wanted to go to the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, which begins Saturday, but I haven’t made it there yet: too busy, this conflict or that conflict. It’s a chance to see some of the best marketing and advertising creative work from across the globe in 24 categories. Is also a chance…


Join us Tuesday, June 14, in NYC

|  by Patty Odell

Next week, at PROMONext, Chief Marketer presents 5 top marketers from major brands. The speakers will share strategies, insights, case studies and results.

Marketing in Space

A Marketing Spot for Space Nerds

|  by Patty Odell

It’s a wonder that the space-nerds from “Big Bang Theory” didn’t come up with this idea: an experimental “space balloon” that will circle the earth in an attempt to remove space junk threatening working satellites and spacecrafts. And, according to NASA, we sure could use one. NASA says that more than 500,000 pieces of debris, or…