Big Fat Marketing Blog

The One Second TV Commercial

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

With tough times comes unique thinking. Miller Brewing is running a one second ad during the Super Bowl. Here's a site that shows the spots that won't be shown. Blink and you'll miss ...

File Under: Are You Kidding Me?

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

As a bourbon drinker, I am a fan of certain Jim Beam products (Booker's and Basil Hayden), but I have to admit, this commercial made me grimace. Alas, Jim Beam is allowing you, their customers or potential customers to create your own "girlfriend" TV ...

Thanks for the Lesson, Canada Post

I recently fell into a trap that a lot of journalists are falling into these days: Trusting the information you get on the Web. A few weeks back I saw a brief article on a vendor

Super Bowl Ad all Scrambled?

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

This article calls the $3,000,000 Super Bowl price tag a bargain. It mentions Denny's as a first time super bowl advertiser. Watch the price of your "Grand Slam" breakfast to increase after the ROI from the ads don't pan out.FYI: From a previous post, ...

A Fairwell to the Newspaper Industry?

|  by Tim Parry

The Minneapolis Star Tribune filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection last week. Last month the Tribune Co. took that walk. And everywhere you turn, you hear about newspapers struggling to make a dollar. Like catalogers, newspapers have to deal with ...

Circuit City Liquidation Could Spawn More Bad News

|  by Tim Parry

It appeared there may have been a glimmer of hope for Circuit City as it tried to emerge from Chapter 11. But as I reported for Multichannel Merchant on Friday, the Richmond, VA-based big box and online electronics retailer is liquidating. Vulturous ...

Who’s Prospering?

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

As with any economic downturn, certain segments seem to survive, even prosper despite the crumbling walls all around. This Business Week article points out that those businesses that help others keep things running -- auto mechanics, shoe repair shops ...