Big Fat Marketing Blog

Mass Media Mindset

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

It will come as little surprise to you, the reader of this blog, that Mass Media is not so massive any longer. It is, apparently, a shock to the Mass Media outlets, however. They seemed to be stunned that ad revenues are declining. If emerging media has ...

Sully’s the Hero, Not USAir

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

USAir has gotten an undeserved publicity windfall from the exploits of pilot Chesley B. Sullenberger. Yes, Sully landed a jet in the Hudson, and with everyone on board surviving. He deserves to be celebrated. But it doesn

Marketing “Buzz” Stings Hot Ad Agency

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

CP&B, the hottest ad agency around is laying off 7% of its staff. While I am not happy to read the news, I do feel it's about time. After all, CP&B is all about buzz. I think advertising and marketing should be about the biz -- the business the work ...

Phelps Pot Pipe Flap Blows Up

What started as a typical tabloid stunt - a photo of Michael Phelps puffing on a bong pipe - has turned into a competition suspension and a sponsor disconnect with moral overtones for America's super-swimmer.

Cash4Gold and The Power of the Internet

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

This is an interesting MSNBC story in that it includes, gold, bribes, bad press and panic. The story claims a guy wrote a blog post on Cash4Gold that was less than flattering. It took hold and took off. Then, as the story goes, the company tried to bribe ...