Big Fat Marketing Blog

Don’t Look–Up in the Sky!

|  by Brian Quinton

OK, I just have to ask: Who at either Southwest Airlines or Sports Illustrated thought it would be a good idea to wrap a Boeing 737 in the airline

People Policies, Not Price Cuts

|  by Brian Quinton

A few months ago I posted an approving notice about the Hyundai Assurance program, which offers to let car buyers who suffer a catastrophic reversal in their finances the chance to return a Hyundai they

$100,000,000 To Tout “Tastes Great”

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

MillerCoors is spending a cool $100 mil to let you and I know that their beer "tastes great." Oh, and that it's better tasting than Bud Light. Personally, I don't like either. I prefer Blatz over Lite and am more of a dark beer snob to begin with. I ...

Chicken Little is Dead

Do you remember the story about Chicken Little? The precious little chicken was in the woods one day and an acorn fell on her head. It scared her so much that "half of her feathers fell out.