Big Fat Marketing Blog

New Yankee Stadium an Overall Dud

|  by Tim Parry

So, the new Yankee Stadium is open. The first exhibition games were played this weekend, and I was lucky enough to get tickets either late Saturday night or early Sunday morning. And Saturday afternoon, as the Chicago Cubs played the New York Yankees, ...

The Creative Conundrum

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Recently my firm was in a final pitch and lost. Losing hurts, but it also allows you to look back and find ways to improve. First there were 12; then 4; and finally just Johnson Direct and another firm. But this post is really about the key differences ...

A Sign of the Times

|  by Larry Riggs

The mailers groups and other interests which fought tirelessly for 11 years for a reform law that would tie future postage increases to the rate of inflation (as determined by the Consumer Price Index) may have outsmarted themselves, big time. In ...

Whoops! Dominos Delivers 11,000 Free Pizzas

|  by Tim Parry

If you're going to think about a promotion, don't think out loud like Domino's did. Sounds like someone in its marketing department either lost a job as a result of this blunder, or was demoted all the way down to pizza delivery boy. Someone typed in ...

HULU Not Jumping Through Hoops

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

While HULU keeps gaining viewers, it has not attracted advertisers. That's a business model that won't work, at least long term. The site gained more unique viewers in February than any other online video site, but advertisers still seem skeptical. ...

I’ll Have a Big Mac, Large Fry… and a Latte?

|  by Tim Parry

OK, I stole the headline from something from my college newspaper from back in the 80s, and from this article Robert Passikoff, Ph.D of Brand Keys did for us last January. But ever since Passikoff wrote the piece, I've been witnessing the downfall of ...