Big Fat Marketing Blog

This Is Why Merchants Need to Get Social

|  by Tim Parry

Just a quick post to say Ilana Rabinowitz, vice president of Lion Brand Yarn, hit the nail on the head here at IRCE. The reason merchants need to stake their social media claim: Because people buy from other people, not from corporations. It's ...

Congratulations Simone, You Win a Car!

|  by Tim Parry

Not just any car, a Lexus 350! Just for attending IRCE! Only my second year attending IRCE, but both years I found it pretty funny that a car is raffled off on the last day of the show. Not that I'd turn it down if I was eligible to win. It's just ...

Mail to the Dead? It Works for CWDKids

|  by Tim Parry

Not a conventional strategy, but CWDKids is mailing to people they know are dead. Don't laugh: They've tested it, and mailings to its deceased file actually does better on average than its living customers. "So we're not cutting out the dead just ...

Huffing and Puffing Through IRCE

|  by Tim Parry

So let me get this straight. The show is in Boston, but I think I trekked to Foxboro to get to Track B. I regret my road trip to Waffle House and dollar dogs day at a Reading Phillies game on Sunday. But not really. I'm guessing I have to go to ...

Hello (Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello…) From IRCE

|  by Tim Parry

I'm here. And this place (Boston Convention & Expo Center) is huge. I'm in a general session with about 1,000 of my closest friends... and I can't hear a thing! Except for the echo-o-o-o-o... Kinda reminds me of this: So I'll try to report ...