Big Fat Marketing Blog

Postal Comments Revealing

|  by Jim Tierney

Comments left below an article posted on reveal the mindset of many postal employees regarding last week

Sticks and Stones…

Last week, before I put up my Is John A. Greco, Jr. Really Worth $838,528* Post, I e-mailed Tim Parry to ask whether or not I could use a picture of two girls Jell-o wrestling as a visual. 2.2 seconds later, I received an autoresponder. ...

Temporary Fix For USPS

|  by Jim Tierney

President Barack Obama signed a bill into law that will give the U.S. Postal Service a financial reprieve for this year's payment of retiree health benefits. Who knows what will happen next year when the cash-strapped USPS pushes for more ...

Sports Marketing: Football Vs. Rugby

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Sitting at home tonight after picking up my youngest from soccer (European Football), I was flipping the channels and came to Spike TV. They were airing "The Ultimate Fighter" again and as I half watched a promo came on that the Rugby championship, ...

Is John A. Greco, Jr. really worth $838,528* a year?

The interwebs are abuzz with direct marketing folks chatting about the smackdown between Gerry Pike and John Greco of the Direct Marketing Association. Seems most of the discussion is focused on Greco's salary -- a figure that's almost twice the ...